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About us

Your last station before your worldwide recognition

More than 15 years ago, the Legend Dr. Ramadan Zaki  MRCP  started from scratch to organize and run clinical medicine courses aiming to help MRCP candidate in the Egypt, and since then, he hasn't only been guiding MRCP & PACES candidates in the middle east passing their challenging exams smoothly and easily, but his distinguished and outstanding medical & clinical skills courses have been helping physicians from all countries of the middle east to acquire and sharpen unshakable experience and confidence that remarkably boost their performance & career.

Now joint by one of his students Dr. Hossam Sameer MRCP , they are taking the whole process of MRCP training in Egypt to the next level.


The bold experience, well organization and friendly atmosphere of the courses at MRCP CLUB will make you enjoy as much as you learn.


MRCP CLUB will be your last station before your worldwide recognition.


Enjoy, share your experiences and invite your friends.